My Story


I am Teaghan.

A 29 year amateur yogi, meditation lover, vegetarian, adventurer and deep thinker in love with nature, the ocean and the sunshine.

For as long as I can remember I have suffered from Depression and while it has been a very tumultuous journey, the onset of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) approximately 4 years ago severely worsened my condition. Amid the severe mental and physical fatigue, depression, and various symptoms of CFS I lost myself, my happiness and the will to live.

But, in the words of my favourite quote, ‘Everything Happens For a Reason.’

After the initial stages of despair and self-pity, I refused to give up and in tapping into my inner strength embarked on a spiritual, life-changing journey of recovery and self-discovery. And in doing uncovered my life’s calling: to inspire and motivate others also experiencing Mental and Chronic Illness.

While this blog is only the first step toward that, as the heart and soul of my recovery journey it is instilled with the tools and support you need to help your own steps toward happiness and improved physical and mental health.

To further support you and equip you with the resources you need through your recovery, I am working on a bunch of exciting things with my inspiring team including motivational speaking, coaching and even a book which will be happening progressively.

For now, I hope my story, experiences and posts provide some enlightenment and inspiration for your recovery. And please know that no matter what, I am always here for you because it is okay not the be okay.

Peace and Love

-The Soulful Wanderer xxx

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